Rules: "Moroz - Red Nose (FROST)" PDF Печать E-mail
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14.12.2015 00:00

QRP contest-game "Moroz - Red Nose" (FROST)

(Правила на-русском)

RESULTS:20212020,20192018,20172016, 20152014, 2013, 2012, 20112010, 2009, 2008

STORIES: 2014, 2013, 2012, 20112010
Country: Russia
Hosted by: RU-QRP Club
Date: 21.01.2023
Time: 03.00-06.59, 07:00 - 11:00 UTC
Participants: all licensed radio amateurs working QRP power and SWLs
Mode: CW, SSB
only 5 Watts CW and 10 Watts SSB
80, 40, 20, 15, 10 m in the region of QRP frequencies:
CW - 3560, 3577, 7030, 14060, 21060, 28060 kHz
SSB - 3690, 7190, 14285, 21280, 28360 kHz
Contest call: "CQ MOROZ"

Attention!!! This is only a funny game for your pleasure, but not a contest for survival. Do not forget about being frost-bitten. Please, be careful!


The game lasts 8 hours and is divided into two stages, 4 hours each.

First stage: 03:00 - 06:59 UTC.
Stage of activity of stations in the zero region of Russia In the first stage,

for all other stations, only QSO with stations from the zero region of Russia are valid.

Second stage: 07:00 - 11:00 UTC. General activity stage.


- "Field"

- "Stationary"

Participants according to their wish choose working position in the frost or warmth, following their tactical objectives and capabilities in the game. The temperature is being fixed in the place, where participants and equipment are.

  • Participation is allowed only in one group;
  • Participant, having replaced position "Field" for "Stationary" or vice versa, is considered a participant of the subgroup "Stationary";
  • Participants of the subgroup "Field" are not allowed to use permanent contest-positions and basic antennas. The equipment's power is only independent one. The type of independent power is not regulated;
  • Stations, working from outside permanent QTH, during the game at the end of the call are recommended to transmit corresponding identifier, for example: UT5NM/p (YU1LM/m, RA1M/mm, etc); 
  • All participants are allowed to use passive nets of DX-info and clusters, self-spoting is prohibited;
  • At any moment of time participant can transmit only one signal;
  • Contacts with not-participants are allowed;

Club stations take part on the same conditions with individual stations and can submit in one of the subgroups: "Field" or "Stationary".


Participants transmit real RST(RS), RU-QRP membership number (not-members - "NM"), plus one of the letters from the series: F.R.O.S.T.

Club stations:

- operators-members of the RU-QRP Club always transmit their membership number;

- the rest of operators transmit either the membership number of club station (if there is such) or "NM".

Stationary stations always transmit only one letter "T"
Participants of the subgroup "Field" transmit one letter from the series "F.R.O.S."(but NOT "T")

The change of one letter to another is carried out after having conducted 5 QSOs with the previous letter. It is possible to activate a new series of four letters only after having passed the whole series completely,

that is after 20 QSO (5 QSO "F" + 5 QSO "R" + 5 QSO "O" + 5 QSO "S", after this one can begin a new series "F.R.O.S" again.

The order of activated letters is always the same - "F.R.O.S".

Example: 'UR5LAM de RU3FB ur 579/240/T'. Or: 'RU3FB de RX3ALL ur RST 579 my RUQRP nr 079/F'


During the QSO, you can exchange another information (name, QTH, working conditions, etc.).

Dupe QSOs are allowed if at least one of the stations has substituted one of the letters in the series and such a combination of letters has not yet occurred.
The fact that the letter in the series has been replaced can be informed in the general call: 'CQ MOROZ / S'.
 You can also immediately offer to conduct a new QSO, if you have changed the letter.

There are no other dupe QSOs: on different bands, with different types of modulation.


- Each contact gives 1 point. If a QSO is confirmed in the correspondent's log then 1 additional point will be given for this QSO;
- Each contact with RU-QRP member gives additional 5 points;

- Every complete set of letters F.R.O.S.T - additionally 20 points + bonus for temperature.

During the game one can complete the missing letter in the set of F.R.O.S.T by the letters of his working position if one has conducted not less than 5 QSOs with this particular letter (see log example below).

Bonus for the temperature to every full set of F.R.O.S.T is calculated according to the formula: Bonus = 20 - T, where T - is a temperature on the working position in Celsium degrees. Minimum temperature must be indicated in the log in SOAPBOX.

Bonus for the temperature on the position +20C and higher is equal to "0".

Examples of bonus calculation for the temperature on the position:

Bonus at +20C and higher is "0", every complete set of F.R.O.S.T = 20 + 0 = 20 points;

Bonus at +10С: 20 - 10 = 10, every complete set of F.R.O.S.T = 20 + 10 = 30 points;

Bonus at -12С: 20 -(- 12) = 32, every complete set of F.R.O.S.T = 20 + 32 = 52 points.

- SWL-participants get points on the same condition only with that difference that in observance both correspondents give points. And bonus is calculated on the basis of the temperature on the position of the SWL.


COMPLETE RESULT:the sum of points for QSOs + points for QSOs with RU-QRP members + points for gathered sets of F.R.O.S.T + bonus for the temperature on the position.


- Contest results are reckoned up in the subgroups.

Company LAB599 and the Club Council have prepared prizes for the winners in the nominations.

lab 599 1

Photo or video report from the prize seeker is mandatory!

- All participants sending in their logs in time will receive diplomas in electronic format with result and taken place. Contenders for a reward are to fix the photo of the working position in the photo story.

Participants having worked with 6 members of RU-QRP Club, who took part in the subgroup "Field", have an opportunity to get the diploma "RU-QRP CLUB" (see Rules). It is necessary to send an application to the address of the Club diploma manager: ( Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript ).Those, who have the diploma, can send an application for additional labels.

Sponsors and organizers of the contest can establish any their own prizes in different nominations. For example: for the most extreme position, original story or others.



- submitting logs is obligatory;
- format Cabrillo (ЕРМАК).  Please show a real minimum temperature in Celsium degrees on the working position in SOAPBOX;
- addresses:   Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript
,  Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript ;
- deadline for sending the log: 06th February, 2022.

Obligatory condition for contenders for rewards and desirable for the rest of participants:

To place on the Club's site/forum or to send with the log a story about contest with the description of the working position and photos, showing the conditions of work, equipment and antennas used, testimony of the thermometer on the working position. It is necessary for submitted information confirmation and further publication your stories in topic collections.

Attention!!! This is only a funny game for your pleasure, but not a contest for survival. Do not forget about being frost-bitten. Please, be careful!

ATTENTION: Participants exchange with real RST (RS). Please be attentive in the air and during logs writing!


Participant's log:

NAME: Dmitry Gorokh
SOAPBOX: QRP 5W RIG (FT857D) + 40m IV + 20m GP
QSO: 7000  CW 2016-01-23 0704  UR4MCK/P   599  201/F       R4YY      599 NM/F
QSO: 7000  CW 2016-01-23 0708  UR4MCK/P   599  201/F       LZ1CY     599 191/T
QSO: 7000  CW 2016-01-23 0712  UR4MCK/P   599  201/F       RN4AO     559 206/T
QSO: 7000  CW 2016-01-23 0717  UR4MCK/P   599  201/F       UA4WJ     559 318/T
QSO: 7000  CW 2016-01-23 0720  UR4MCK/P   599  201/F       UA3DLD    599 321/F
QSO: 7000  CW 2016-01-23 0725  UR4MCK/P   599  201/R       RX3PR/P   599 136/R
QSO: 7000  CW 2016-01-23 0727  UR4MCK/P   559  201/R       RW3AI     559 101/F
QSO: 7000  CW 2016-01-23 0729  UR4MCK/P   599  201/R       EU1RO     579 220/T
QSO: 7000  CW 2016-01-23 0731  UR4MCK/P   599  201/R       RA7K      599 NM/F
QSO: 7000  CW 2016-01-23 0733  UR4MCK/P   599  201/R       UV5QR/P   599 NM/O
QSO: 7000  CW 2016-01-23 0735  UR4MCK/P   599  201/O       UI7K/P    599 181/R
QSO: 7000  CW 2016-01-23 0737  UR4MCK/P   599  201/O       RX3ALL/P  599 079/F
QSO: 7000  CW 2016-01-23 0740  UR4MCK/P   599  201/O       RW3AI     599 101/R
QSO: 7000  CW 2016-01-23 0741  UR4MCK/P   559  201/O       RW3AI     559 101/O
QSO: 7000  CW 2016-01-23 0742  UR4MCK/P   599  201/O       RX3PR/P   579 136/O
QSO: 7000  CW 2016-01-23 0748  UR4MCK/P   599  201/S       UR5LAM/P  599 103/S
QSO: 7000  CW 2016-01-23 0750  UR4MCK/P   599  201/S       UT5NM/P   599 300/R
QSO: 7000  CW 2016-01-23 0803  UR4MCK/P   559  201/S       RW3XS     559 181/R
QSO: 7000  CW 2016-01-23 0812  UR4MCK/P   559  201/S       UI7K/P    559 181/O
QSO: 7000  CW 2016-01-23 0815  UR4MCK/P   559  201/S       RX3ALL/P  559 181/R
QSO: 7000  CW 2016-01-23 0815  UR4MCK/P   559  201/F       RX3ALL/P  559 181/R

SWL's log::

NAME: Jozef Burdyn
QSO: 3560  CW 2016-01-23  0700 UA0SBQ/P  319 308/F   RW3AI/P   559 101/F
QSO: 7034  CW 2016-01-23  0717 RX3PR/P   559 136/F   UT5NM/P   599 300/F
QSO: 3561  CW 2016-01-23  0719 UI7K/P    589 181/F   RU3FB/P   579 240/F
QSO: 14060 CW 2016-01-23  0833 UR5LAM/P  599 103/O   UA4NU     589 NM/T
QSO: 21281 PH 2016-01-23  1058 RN9RF     58  NM/T    R7AO      55  212/T

RU-QRP Club thanks UA3PP for translation these rules into English.

Обновлено 14.01.2023 17:52