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What can be worked with a bagful of QRP gear taken to a nearby...
Рейтинг: 5.0 (1 Голосовать)
Категория: Работа в эфире
Тэги: French Island, Eco Inn, QRP, IOTA, OC136, DXpedition, DX, HF radio, FT817, R4020, Vertical antenna, Tortoise Head What can be worked with a bagful of QRP gear taken to a nearby island?
Activity was evenly divided between 20m and 40m, CW and SSB and VK and DX. A newly built end-fed half wave end-fed antenna was used for all contacts. Two NiMH battery packs ran the station with a 4 watt solar panel topping up the spare.
Transmitting equipment comprised an FT-817 and a Ten Tec R4020. The latter was taken as a back-up to maintain operation with limited battery charge. Using the Ten Tec for all CW contacts successfully conserved power (at the cost of its harsher-sounding receiver and inferior IF filtering compared to the FT-817).
True wilderness QRP involves hiking, backpacks, tents and provisions. I did none of that, instead opting to stay at the Eco Inn. With a location just metres from the Tankerton ferry jetty, a range of accommodation options and ample waterfront land for antennas I highly recommend it as a great place to stay and operate from.
Compared to nearby Phillip Island, French Island is much quieter (no mains power, gravel roads or real towns) and offers more to the nature lover. For the DXer this translates into less man made noise and interference. French Island is classified as IOTA OC136 - the same as Phillip Island.
Further information
Ferries: http://www.interislandferries.com.au/ferry.php (Interisland ferries)
Accommodation: http://www.tortoisehead.net/ (Eco Inn)
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