In September 2024 the GQRP Club celebrates its 50 year anniversary.
The Club are running an activity period throughout September called ‘Low and Clear’. A number of QRP stations are being activated across the UK and in other countries, with ‘LOW’ or ‘QRP’ in their special callsigns.
Stations working a number of them will receive a certificate, and the ‘best’ logs will be awarded prizes, which have been donated by traders who advertise in the Club’s journal SPRAT.
Details can be found on the Club’s website.
-- Paddy G4MAD
В сентябре исполняется 50 лет клубу G-QRP. В эфире будут активны спец-станции с суффиксами QRP и LOW. Юбилейные сертификаты и призы обещаны самым активным QRP операторам. Положение о наградах по вышеуказанной ссылке